A Heavenly Expectation
Before ever entering a church service or event, one key that unlocks the blessings of God during that time is expectancy. When a mother is pregnant, they earn the title of “expectant mother” because despite all of their complications, problems and travail, they will give birth to a beautiful son or daughter. They are expecting to have a child, and after pressing through all of the months of pain and suffering, it will happen! Their expectation will meet their breakthrough!
Spiritually, we must be expecting. We may have to endure some struggles and trauma, but our miracle will meet our expectation. If we go through life without a heavenly expectation, we will never earn the victory we so desperately need! Every time we seek to pray or enter into God’s presence, whether that be intimately or corporately, we should always have an expectancy of a mighty visitation and encounter with God. God wants us to be expecting, and in order to do so, we must wait upon Him in servanthood and prayer. Once we grasp the very heart of God, not only will we have an expectation for God to move, but we will also have an expectation “from” Him. There is a difference!
Anyone can have an expectation that something good is on the way because they just “feel” it, but there is a whole different kind of expectation when it is directly from the the throne room of heaven. When you hear and know the voice of God, He will create that expectancy in you. When you live a faithless life that is just living it day by day without vision or purpose, it is easy to not be expecting from God. Today, you can be expecting great things to happen, but you cannot force it to happen. You have to do what you know to do, but pray without ceasing. Converse with God on a daily basis, and as you wait upon the LORD, watch Him do great things, even so much that it will be mind blowing! I have heard Pastor Parsley say many times, “Expectancy is the breeding ground for your miracle,” and it is so true. Expectancy plows the ground. The seed is sown by depositing His Word in us. Growth comes after He pours down the rain. Expectancy is where it starts. God’s blessings are where it finishes!